How Bad Is Teen Depression?
Many believe that a depressed teen is nothing out of the ordinary, and that it is something that happens. As sad as it is, this really is true. It is an average event for most teens, but that doesn't mean that it isn't serious. It really is serious. Very serious, I might even say. Many teens have even taken their own lives because they were upset. Teen depression, right now, is more of a problem than it ever has been. Things like peer pressure have never been greater, with social media playing a great role in the already busy lives of the world's youth. We don't see ourselves the way adults see us. Every single part of our lives is shaped upon the principle of acceptance. If people don't like us, we become depressed. Adults don't know what it is like to have kids pick on you. Once you become unpopular, the other kids don't let you forget it. Not having any friends feels like the worst thing ever, and having no one to talk to really bites. How are we supposed to tell someone how we feel when no one is there to listen? That, right there, is when teen depression locks you down, and the bad thoughts become the only thing you ever think of. A teen's self-image is everything to us, and if we believe we are ugly and that no one likes us, then we will begin to fail in everything. We might abuse drugs, our grades will drop, we might cut, and even break the law, all because no one understands us. Teen depression now seems like a serious problem, huh?
It's not that teens aren't strong. In fact, we are really strong. Face it, we live in a much more hostile environment than our parents did. Our parents and their parents didn't have all of the problems that come with growing up in modern society. With all the reports of child abuse that show up in the news, it's hard to ever feel truly safe. Because of this, I'm fortunate, as my dad has an extensive background in self-defense, even having practiced it before I was born. I know that he would put anyone who tried to hurt me into the ground. You may think I'm exaggerating but he loves us more than anything in the world. Most teens don't have parents like mine, and it is a crying shame. The police won't protect kids, as in America they are some of the laziest people in the world. Why do you think they don't ever actually stop crimes from happening? America is just as unsafe as anywhere else in the world. Many kids don't even think about this. It's worth mentioning, though, as depressed teens are easy targets for sex offenders. If you're a parent reading this, don't take teen depression lightly. Help your teen now before it's too late.
Here on Get Help Now I would like to think that we are completely honest about how much teen depression sucks. No exaggerations are ever made, nor do we ever downplay this serious epidemic that is sweeping the globe. I want you to seriously consider talking to someone you trust about how you feel. Tell them you want help. What we've talked about today is only a fraction of what needs to be said about teen depression. Stay tuned in here for more about the problem that impacts you. I'm including a link to a site where you can talk to other teens about your problems. On the webpage they have a number you can call or text. In fact, now, it looks like they even have an app you can use to get you that help you need. I am Ameila Varner, your host, always, of Get Help Now. Here's that link for you. Just paste it into Chrome or whatever.
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