Depression For A Teen
Depression, for a teen, is something that seems unbelievable. Our lives are already complicated. Why would we want to give such an awful problem to someone so young? Depression isn't something that happens to random people. As discussed in previous posts, there is two types of teen depression, one, being clinical depression, and, two, being environmental depression. This is often the same case for adults. Believe it or not, they can go hand-in-hand, with environmental depression turning into clinical depression, and vice-versa. Depression, on a teenage level, is more severe than an adult case. A teen's body is constantly changing, and they have less knowledge of coping skills to help them through all of their tough times. Teens don't understand depression as an adult would, and it's completely understandable. Still, a teen will suffer, and they may take drastic actions to try and alleviate the pain they feel. It's heartbreaking.
Depression, as mentioned before, doesn't hand pick its victims. Whether things aren't going well at home, or teens are being subjected to bullying, or they are having trouble making friends, they can and will get depressed. Teen depression is at an all time high, and added pressure from social media on teens can really destroy their self-esteem. What a horrible thing it is to feel alone in life. When we are beaten and broken down, it's hard to feel positive, and for a teen it is no different. How much do you know about your child's feelings? Teens, how much do your parents know about how you are really feeling? Have you told them? Are you afraid to tell them? Are you worried people will make fun of you if you tell them you are sad and struggle with bad or unpleasant thoughts? Trust me, I know that a reputation matters, especially for a teen, but there is such a thing as private treatment. In fact, you can be proactive with your depression and find many "friendly strangers" online who don't go to your same school or even live in your town. All over the internet as there are many forums and webpages that focus on teen depression. This isn't an invisible problem, not when things like cutting and drug abuse are popularized in movies and television. You don't have to feel like a freak, you really don't. You are beautiful, and just because the rain is falling, you still shine brighter than anyone I know. Life does go on, and if you're a teen who is reading this right now, you've taken the first step on your road to recovery. Be strong and you will, one day, smile again.
Here at Get Help Now we focus on the family. The family should be the strongest group in your life. If you're having family-related issues right now, rest assured, we believe all of our readers are family. We're sitting at 81,000 views, and going strong! We want you to feel good and find the strength to tell a trusted adult that you are depressed and want help. This post was prepared by all three of us, as things have been a little hectic in our little world we call home. I hope you have found this post useful, and I wanted to share a link that may help you gain insight on the problem you are facing. Just copy and paste the link below Into your browser, like Chrome, and explore the page to find out what you can do to identify when you are depressed. Knowing the warning signs of depression can help you combat it.
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