What Independence Means To Me

What Independence Means To Me

As I lay here, on Sunday morning, on the first day of July, I reflect on July 4th, aka Independence Day here on the states side. I'm an independent man, I'll tell you that. It's nearly impossible to make me conform to anything. Look at me: I don't dress like other people, I don't socialize like others, I hardly ever participate in the human experience, I'm an enigma to all things religious, and I may spend many days without a need or want for anything, really. America, for this matter, is the perfect place for me. This country gives me the chance to be unique, as this nation did when we separated from Britain.

What else does America mean to me? How about fireworks and hamburgers on the fourth. That sounds pretty darn good to me. We have it made, and this brings me to a point. Others should be allowed to enjoy our country, too. Whether it's immigration or vacationing, they should be allowed to see our nation. I don't have the right to be in this country. Just because I'm born here doesn't give me any right to live here. Birthright means nothing. I'm no better than anyone else in this world.

Look at the unique spirals of my new line of fiction. Many teens in the series have unique problems that are quickly becoming less unique, like LGBTQ and depression issues. If America is the land of the free, then we must become aware of the problems that our children face, including teen drinking and drug abuse. America is great, really, as perhaps my line of fiction would be censored elsewhere in the world.

My latest work that's still in production explores the underworld that belongs to LGBTQ teens and depression. Several of the characters all suffer from many issues, including suicidal thoughts and therapy. This is raw fiction that makes us understand we all are human. America needs men like me. Everyone else seems too afraid to address issues like teen depression.

Today, I want all of you to embrace what is unique and independent. I want all of you to say that our country is pretty darn good. We don't need to change anything except ourselves. I am the voice of reason. I have no doubt in my mind that my future is bright, and it's all because of this great nation. It's almost our nation's birthday, dang it, and why don't we all give her a gift? Give yourself to her, take a stand and say our nation doesn't need change. Instead, we need a change in our mind. Accept people for who they are and let us have an inner revolution that is as radical as it is nourishing. Raise your flags high and say “America, I love you!”

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