The Fourth

The Fourth

As recent readers of this blog already know, I've been doing many posts regarding the independence of America. I'm American born and raised, and I am different than other people living here. I love this country and its laws. This will always be my home, and I'm not afraid to say it. Yes, I disapprove of the actions of the Republicans, but I accept they have one tough job. I feel that non-conforming citizens are not respected nor accepted in our nation, but, hey, I will keep fighting for them. Religious freedom is not a reality in our country, but it's a nice dream. Additionally, the lower class and those who are minorities are heavily discriminated against, but I hope that will change.

What is the meaning of our nation's independence day? This day’s meaning is intense. As I meditate upon this day, here in the throes of 3 a.m, I have one thing on my mind. My family deserves a nation that does not judge them, and I fear that this is an impossible dream. As my thoughts are on purity and emotional consciousness, many Americans are not. Americans are all about pleasure, as is citizens of other nations. Why do we even bother with the whole human experience? I serve kings and those worthy enough to wield my spiritual pen and blade, and I've learned only one thing: many people don't get what they want in life. Is this the result of their own actions or other people's actions? It's because of our lack of application. I wasn't made in a day. My life is spiritually inspired and self-driven. Without my family, I don't believe I'd be here. My chance to make my life what I want it to be is what America gave to me. Because of this, I will salute our flag.

I'm energetic and youthful, and America needs people like me. I represent America's future, a future where all are the same and we have truly equal opportunities. We don't need religion or political parties. We need people to step up and teach people that love is truly blind. We can't be fed the lies that come from every channel we have on our airwaves, but instead we need truth and personal transparency. The fourth is a day I like because it represents both our nation's past and present. We've came so far and I'd hate for the institutions that plague America to ruin all of our progress. Freedom is important to me. It means that I'm allowed to say what I want to say and live how I want to live. I do, too, whether it’s day or night. My life is all about freedom. I love you all, American or not. You're all my brothers and sisters, and I wish you a happy fourth. Ciao!

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