Our Planet's Future

Our Planet's Future

Our planet's future is something we have to think about as a global whole. We aren't going to be around if we don't treat our planet better. As parents, we are required to educate our children to be ecologically sound and understand that our actions, ecologically or otherwise, have consequences. We cannot continue to hold onto our past ideals, as times have changed greatly. The manufacturing and the development of new products has had a dynamic negative effect on our environment. We need to educate our families about responsible usage of our natural resources.

Our future is dependent on many factors, as I've mentioned so many times before. Our conduct as a human species has degraded as industries and automobile usage continues to soar. Few people carpool and use public transportation in most cities. We have the responsibility as a global population to treat our environment with care. Many people throw trash on the ground without caring. Your irresponsibility when it comes to the disposal of refuse has a major negative impact on the environment, as many animals die from it. Fires can even start when it comes to trash on the ground. Be sure to limit gasoline use and dispose of your trash in a responsible manner.

We have built too many houses on what was once wilderness. Animal and tree populations have dwindled down because of our development projects in America. We have effectively killed much of our forests because of too many children being born. I don't believe it is an American right to overpopulate a small country. We need to think about our over-expansion. It's becoming out of control. We must be conservative when it comes to our world’s natural habitat.

Do you recycle? Many things can be recycled and reused, including paper and glass. Many places even offer refunds for the recycling of aluminum. We can cut down on refuse if we make an effort to recycle. We also should make great effort to properly dispose of batteries. Batteries have an extremely long halflife and must be disposed of the right way. (Especially rechargeable ones!) How we handle our own trash is imperative.

There's many things you can do to better the world and the responsibility falls into the hands of each and every one of us. We can't continue to ignore ecology. We must fight for our future by keeping our planet safe and healthy. It's up to us to change the world by taking good care of it. Act now before it's too late. Ciao!

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