Your Future
We simply don't talk about it enough. The future. Our future, our family's future, this planet's future. Our future is one of the biggest things we have to worry about it, and when we are faced with the decisions we need to take to prepare for the future, we are never ready. We just don't seem to think enough about what's really important, and that's our future.
When we are younger, it seems all we worry about is the years to come. As college finishes and we get our career started, we tend to think about the here and now. As we get married and have children, we buy our houses and tend to settle into the idea that this is forever. How wrong we can be. The kids grow up, and we are left with our slowly but surly decaying lives. We then tend to focus on the past, and not the future. Our careers become pointless, heading nowhere. We then retire and embrace what meager parts of our lives are left. We should have planned for the future years ago, and now look. We are stuck in the process of retiring. Do our lives matter if we went nowhere with them? Is our future in vain? As bleak as this outlook is, the answer is no.
You matter so much more than you can possibly understand. You have a future, as you have entered your friend’s and family's life, so long ago. Plan for your future, and make sure your family and friends are well set for when you are gone. Tell people how much you love them, because you could be gone tomorrow, a vapor tossed in the wind. Life is what seems to pass by in a moment, and in the grand scheme of it all, you matter so much more than you give yourself credit for. If any of you are out there, wondering where all the time all went, think of this. You are someone who is loved by a benevolent creating force, and you are someone who is loved by every life you touched in a positive way. You will always be your children's hero, and you will always be your parents' legacy. I know that it may seem like that there is no tomorrow, but trust me, there is. I come not to you today as a blind seer, but as a person who controls the wind, wishing for the forces of heaven to move your soul. Think of the future and please, think of yourself as someone that will be a part of it.
The future has never been about who lives or dies, it's just always been a part of life that very few can picture and imagine what lies ahead. So what if you don't know what is in the future. You have to be prepared for what may come, and the best way to do that is to discuss your future with your friends and family, and let them help you plan ahead for it. I don't think many of you plan on working at a fast food restaurant or as a cash register forever, but so many people get stuck doing those jobs most of their career. If you plan for the future, trust me, you'll have a much better plan than working at a burger joint. The future is important, and trust me, it includes you, so why not plan ahead for it. Be the best you can be. Ciao!
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