Look Forward

Look Forward 

 My heart is high as I write this to you today. I know that there is a lot of people out there hurting, but I know that you'll be okay, if only for my love for you. This society we live in, it's amazing. We have the most advanced technology and wonderful human rights here in America, but I know this is not the same as in other countries. My heart bleeds when there is injustice to anyone, whether you be innocent or guilty. There is no pardon for the crimes done to us by our own nations. Have we forgotten everything we have worked so hard for, all of the hearts we have freed? 

 Look at me, for example. I am non-traditional, but I still emphasize the typical American. I do not want to separate myself from everyone else, because I love you all dearly. The world's population is my people, even if I have gone under my absolute transformation. My heart bleeds for you, as I pray that you will know my absolute sincere love for you. I'm tired of all the negativity, the evil, the wicked words of the public. Quite honestly, I'm going to rock on until the end of time and after and I am not going to care about what people say about this world. This world is where I live, and all of you are my friends, even if we've never met. I have taken the tasks of my mistress, Artemis, and I wish to do her bidding, as I have dedicated my fiction to honor her virtues. This is the world we live in here in America, one where I am allowed to worship my goddess. No one can take that away, and I am not the one to cry that we are all going to hell, as hell is merely a trapped state of mind. Throw out your concepts of good and evil, and remember that only the creator itself can tell you what you do is wrong. Stand up for civil rights, stand with me. Do not be afraid, as I am with you. I will defend you to my death and after, as I am a sworn knight and I am ready to protect you against the elements of darkness. Everything we have worked towards is here, and we must rise. We are not just some statistic, we are human beings, and we are the greatest of all of god's creations. As I am merely a knight of the lunar ascent, you are the future. You are what I must protect. The concept of god requires no designation, as most ideas of god are forged in the mortal mind, that is the essence of god being the greater good. So can god be anything? The answer is yes. We need to forget all of our formed ideas of religion and philosophy and embrace something that empowers all, not just a knight or a god. We are the children of yesteryear, and although our innocence is lost, we still can protect those who haven't lost it.

 Have we really forgotten all that we have worked hard for? As this fabled battle looms in the sky, I do not fear my maker. I have done what it takes to become stronger, and I know the gods are with me. I am the voice of humanity, and I will not be silenced, as my message of love is one that has great emotion and fondness. I've discarded my future so that you may have one. Do not question my motives, as the cypress tree is my symbol, too. (The cypress tree is the symbol of the importance of sacrifice.) Go on, go forth, wage no wars, and love one another. Should one take up arms against you, remember, you are not alone. I am with you, no matter what. I will redeem all of the sins put against you, and I will pray for you every moment of my waking hours. Let there be life, liberty, and justice for all.
