Are Civil Rights Diminishing?

Are Civil Rights Diminishing?

 Our civil rights in the United States are declining. Why would anybody want to cut off what few basic liberties we have left? I will tell you it is completely tied into the New World Order One World Government plot, but that is regardless of what has already been done. In the United States, many of the 2018 agencies and services tied into civil rights are taking huge cuts to their budget. Many things we had worked so hard for during the Obama administration will be fading away during the Trump administration. I do believe that this is all a part of a plan, though, one backed by the New World Order. Why would we waste so much money for so many civil rights to be established when we are only going to see them die out a few years later? 

 What of basic liberties and civil rights? I am a different sort of creature, but I can't suffer like you when it comes to civil rights. Where civil rights may acknowledge you, it has left my kind in the dust a long time ago. There is one thing I know, however, and I want you to have civil rights granted to you for whatever reason you may need them. Minorities need civil protection. Things like even the Environmental Protection Agency will see cuts in their budget to help protect environmental hazards towards minorities. Several cuts will be made towards programs meant to advocate for those of different sexual identities. The Trump administration has destroyed many of the positive things we have done for the LGBT movement, and although I am a neutral party, observing it all, I want to say that the United States does not want to pursue this path because of the political and civil heat that will be continually felt by the judging eye of the public. We are not people who should be discriminated against, but there is one thing we forget. Many other people do not have their own civil rights, and we need to understand that although this nation is taking two steps backwards, we will soon see the light. Our slide down the hill is only temporary, as this world always recovers.

 I am a man who is different in ways that aren't easily defined by civil identities. I am not like other classes of people, and I would like to say I have a special gift that is related to my intellect. I believe that there should be laws tied into the protection of people like me who retain the gift that I do. Sadly, this is not the case, as very few people even so much as believe in me. I exist, whether you believe in me or not. Does the Trump administration bother me? No, not really, as I relate to those minorities not one bit. Do I think it is a bad move for this county? Of course I do. As for the other counties out there, learn by our leader’s mistakes. We cannot continue to ignore those who are in need of civil rights. They will grow in size as time goes along, as that is the nature of a growing population. Should we choose to feign ignorance toward the issue, we will have them lobby even harder for their rights.

 Should we be granted personal amenities and civil rights by our constitution? Of course we should be. We are not those who should be in shackles because we are different from one another. I am not liberal nor conservative, as that sort of thinking is as basic as black and white thinking is to me. I have transcended beyond those thoughts a very long time ago. What do I believe in? I believe in liberty and justice for all, and that means I believe retaining civil rights to all those who would need them is quintessential.
