A Glimpse Into Alchemy

A Glimpse Into Alchemy

 Years ago, I chose to study alchemy and philosophy, what many people believe to go hand in hand. When I had started my work, I knew very little about either besides what I had learned out of books. Alchemic principle involves the belief that God is the ultimate and most pure substance, an unblemished gold. The alchemist attempts to turn what other people would see as garbage and junk into gold, this is the whole trash into treasure theory, transmutation. Alchemy appears in a few passages in the bible, and is believed by most to be a holy science. 

 Alchemy leads the alchemist to one ultimate goal, and that is to turn all of their aura into gold, eliminating all the black or sickly parts of it. Most realize that alchemy was big in the middle ages, and it was the predecessor to chemistry. What they didn't realize was that the practice never died out. Many men who practice alchemy refer to themselves as the “Hands Of God.” What gives these men the audacity and tout to declare such a thing? The belief to turn all things into gold is simply absurd, isn't it?

 Alchemy isn't what you'd imagine, though. The secret of alchemy is that it is a semi-scientific approach to enlightenment. We are not men who do not chase after godly principle. The transmutation of common debris into gold is an ancient practice that requires much mystical application. Will it elevate yourself to an almost angelic-like state? Maybe, but that is beyond the point. The people who wish to practice alchemy will learn much philosophy, making them some of the wisest of all people.

 Alchemists study elemental charts, believing that using elements and compounds will enhance their work. I wanted to mention now that if you are interested in finding out more about alchemy, look up “The Philosopher's Stone” on www.sacred-texts.com, a place that hosts many useful occult books. You're bound to find something enjoyable and fascinating to read there. Alchemists use elements to emulate the creation of gold. It's funny to note that it is impossible to turn common substance into gold, however, the practice is a good exercise to enlighten your own soul. Did these men who practiced alchemy during the middle ages become like God? Probably not, but I am sure they became a better person because of their science, if you can even call it that.

 Let's touch lightly on the aspect of philosophy. Philosophy made many men and women famous, but they all had to do something with it for it to be of any use. The ideas of knowledge, reality, and existence tend to vary from each great philosopher to the next. What is my philosophy? That humanity is the greatest of all things, being from what love is created. I do not want to be a monster, for I, too, crave humanity. My core philosophy will guide me through what is my mystical alchemical application, and I will find my way amongst the stars, all because I know the best of all mottos, which is to “love more than you hate” and to bless more than you condemn.” I'm fully aware of the nature of my ability and where it comes from. Just because it was born from darkness does not mean I can't use it to save people and perseve their life. Until next time, I wish you a beautiful morning and much cheer. Ciao!
