The Trials Of Life

The Trials Of Life

Life always presents many trials to a person, no matter who you are. Life is challenging. Lucky for us we have many tools at our disposal to fight off the storm that is life, primarily the human mind and all of its faculties. The human mind, as mentioned many times before, is considered to be your spirit throughout the world. The mind is the most incredible thing on Earth. To think, we have a tool that can help us defeat any problem or help us through any trial we may face...

The Trials Of Our Heart

The human heart is related to living and life force. Poets consider it what feels emotion, be it good or bad. When we face a trial, our heart is always attacked more than our mind is, as the human heart is fragile. We need to guard our heart when facing one of life's problems and let our mind take control. We cannot defeat anything with our hearts, but instead with our spirits, or our minds. Do not become defeated by your own heart.

It’s not to say that the human heart is worthless. The human heart and the emotional self feels one thing the strongest, and that is love. When I say love, I don’t just mean romantic love, but love itself. Love is something that is colorblind and unconditional. We feel so strongly with our hearts that there is bound to be a condition that connects our hearts with our minds. Love is the answer to all, and it empowers us. When the trials come in life, we should hold onto what sustains us, and what sustains us is love. We must realize that the spirit surges as we feel love and it helps us rise above any trial.

The Nature Of Trials

Trials come in many shapes and sizes, but there is only one nature to all of them. The nature of trials is that they ravage the person who is trying their best to navigate through them. Trials are always difficult. Why else would a trial be called that unless they are trying? Don’t ever believe that a trial can be ignored and everything will be magically better in the morning. A trial must be faced, and your positive confrontation towards your trial will make you intensely stronger. The strongest of the strong have survived numerous trials. We do not benefit from ignorance but instead benefit from the realization of truth. Face your fears and conquer your trials.
There is no trial that cannot be overcame, and I believe you have everything you need to defeat your trials with your heart and mind. Your life is not ever in vain, as we do everything with some sort of meaning. Trials have great meaning to both our hearts and minds. Should we buckle under and not push past one single trial we will become frozen in life. Do not freeze up. Whatever I can say to you is that you need to think of everything you love and rely on the assets we have within our minds when the storms come in life. You can win, and you can become even stronger by defeating your trials. It's a good thing we become stronger, too, because the problems we face tomorrow will be inevitably worse than what we face today. Be brave, and stand tall when the winds blow in your face. You have a wonderful heart, and I believe that you can get through anything.
