Reading Situations

Our Ability To Read Situations

In life we often don't identify behaviors of others and ourselves that may be potentially dangerous. The human mind seeks pleasure first quite often and does not weigh pros versus cons. Pleasure is enjoyable to the human mind, and often the human mind will need more and more of what causes the euphoric pleasurable feeling to produce the same effect as the first time that the participant felt. We call this addiction, and addiction is almost always a bad thing. We do not often read a situation as good or bad, but as pleasurable or not. This means we could become involved in drugs or gambling or worse based off of our pleasure seeking behavior. In order to fight against addiction is to prevent ourselves from engaging in hurtful behaviors and learn discipline.


Self-discipline is often not desirable to most people. Few want to attempt to control their inhibitions. To learn self-discipline you must know yourself. When you know yourself you will be able to know your weaknesses. When we know our weaknesses we can more easily keep ourselves away from temptations. Knowing that you are part of humanity and imperfect is humbling. When we accept humility we begin the journey of becoming strong. We are not simple creatures who must give into our every inhibition and temptation, but instead we should build upon a strong code of ethics and morals. Our morals are what keep us from temptations. Temptations are almost always portrayed as something damaging. It can be anything from breaking your diet to slandering your coworker or so much more. We will damage both our psyche and body the more we indulge in pleasure and temptation. Learn self-discipline, stripping yourself of all those things that bind your flesh as mortal. If our spirit is our mind then we should understand how damaging pleasure seeking is to us.

Self-discipline allows us to identify damaging situations. We are often afraid to say no to people, as the untrained mind tries to shy away from confrontation. With positive confrontation and learning how to say no to people we liberate ourselves. We are soldiers on the battlefield of life and there won’t always be someone to save you. So naturally, we must save ourselves. Reinforcing our discipline and morals together will give us a solid backbone to our way of living. We do not have to live in pity and low self-esteem. Why go for copper when you can have gold? We deserve the best as we are unique and very lovely people. Have high standards and you will receive what you are looking for. Never sell yourself short.

Reading Situations And Applying What We Have Learned

We need to apply our discipline and morals to every situation we are in. Tell them what you want and accept nothing less. If a person does not see your point of view and share in your true desires then they are worthless to you. Read all situations closely, and identify if the person is trying to take advantage of you and use you. You do not want to become used as then the person will attempt to dominate you afterwards. Set the highest standards for yourself and you will become well respected and loved. Read those situations comparing the other party to yourself. Are they like you? Are they full of bad intentions?

We are not inheritedly weak. We must not allow people to walk all over us. Fight back against those who would harm you. Be a confident man or woman and demand the best. You deserve it, after all, as you are an enlightened and beautiful being.
