

Grief is a response to loss, especially over the death of someone that was bonded to a person. Grief is seen as a response that affects multiple parts of a person, be it physical, cognitive, or behavioral. Grief, for most people, is hard to overcome, but, with work, it can be conquered. There are many ways to get over the grieving process, and what works for one person is different than another method. Time does not always heal grief and sometimes it is wise to talk about it with people you trust, no matter how hard it is. We are here to help one another, and it is good to talk to other people who knew the dearly departed, as you can share different moments of the person’s life that may make you remember just why you loved the person.

Grief does not always entail just human loss. Grief can extend to pets and more. It is entirely possible to feel grief over losing someone you didn’t even know. I almost feel as if when we grieve over someone we didn’t know, it is a sense of our own mortality. Most people are scared of dying, as it is the most terrifying of all experiences for mostly everyone. It is to say that we relate ourselves to almost everyone else. When someone dies, we see how mortal our loved ones are. We often have an unrealstic view on our beloved. We see those we know in an almost immortalized state. When those people in our life pass on, we have an extremely hard time accepting it. We may even go into some form of depression over the death.  I’m not going to say our thoughts and emotions are unfounded, but, we cannot let ourselves fall apart over the person’s departure from this world. The person would want us to remember them, sure, but they do not want us to be sad or upset. They would want us to be happy, even when they are gone.

We live in a complex universe where we face the one factor about death, and that is the unknown. People often do not know if there is life after death or not. We all want to believe there is somewhere to go after we die. This is why grief happens, believe it or not. We are grieving because of the uncertainty that arises when death occurs. People believe that if a person dies then they are gone forever. This is normal for a person to think like this. This, however, does not mean that there is no life after death, though. A person’s belief will immensily factor into the grieving process over the death of a loved one. Does this mean some people do not grieve? I believe everyone grieves in some way. Those tears we cry at a funeral and afterwards are living proof of our sorrow over our loss.

We do not need to fear the grieving process. Please, accept grief as a normal response. Do not go into deep depression over it, as death will always happen. It’s not the death that effects people, but the overwhelming feeling of loss. Grief is normal, and I will say I have deep compassion over every death that occurs worldwide. Work through the emotional pain of grief, and remember always that special person that passed on. Never forget them, and think of them in a positive sense, knowing they are not suffering anymore.
