Anxieties And Fears

Anxieties And Fears

Many people worldwide have anxieties and fears each day. Although some are natural occurances, many, if not all, can be avoided. For us to fully understand why we become anxious and afraid we will have to break down the body's response to negative stimuli and stress. Having fears and anxieties does not make you any less of a person. With time and proper treatment you can eliminate your fears and anxieties.

Where Fears And Anxieties Originate

Fears and anxieties go hand in hand. Fears are often irrational. We form phobias based off our own unique experiences and past. Anxieties, likewise, are unfounded uneasiness suffered with an approach of an upcoming event. The anxiety is a result of negative thought and emotion (often born out of fear) born out of the ideas of the event. The anxiety is a result of fear. No one has ever had anxiety over an approaching date without feeling some sort of fear concerning the event. Anxiety is the product of fear.

Lessening Anxiety

Positive thought, as always, is the key. Looking at some event that is causing anxiety and stress for us in a positive light may cure the anxiety we are feeling by one-hundred percent. When we are positive and uplifting, we can see the good in just about anything. Everything we live through is merely just a page in the wonderful book that is our life. Anxiety can be minimalized, and it is not something that should merely be accepted but instead cured. Exercises each day can help to overcome anxiety. Keeping a journal or doing breathing exercises can help. Additionally, having someone to talk to about your anxieties helps tremendously, be it a counselor, trusted family member or friend. Remember, you are not alone in your problem and you are not less of a person because you suffer from anxiety. Anxiety is a difficult problem for many, but with thought and consideration it can be cured.

Fears And How Anxieties Are Born From Them

Fears start in the mind. They are often based off of the past or other people’s superstitions surrounding them.(Many people have an irrational fear of the dentist, for example.) The fear becomes too much for a person, and anxiety happens. What we are afraid of gives us anxieties as well. The fear couples with anxiety, creating two problems that accompany each other constantly.

Fear is the cause of much suffering. We can avoid fear. We have to put the fear at the back of our minds and be rational. Life is full of risks. If we are afraid and don’t take risks we will never move forward in life. Many people are afraid of risks and moving to new grounds. This causes anxiety. People are often afraid and anxious over job interviews. The prospect of new territory frightens them. Even the best of us may suffer from anxiety. It is best not to get too worried about life’s risks. They are needed and nescessary. You need to apply for that new job because it’s the only way to feed your family and pay the rent. It is best to just act natural, as if it were not a high pressure scenario. Let your anxiety float away.

Be yourself and don’t give into fear. Anxiety is all in the mind. Eliminate the fear and you will be free from anxiety’s grasp. You are an amazing person, and I know your fear and anxiety will disappear. Remember my suggestions here today, and kick fear and anxiety to the curb.
