Living Through Pain

Living Through Pain

This article applies to both kinds of pain, both on the inside and out. Pain does not know any bounds and can hit you when you least expect it. We are so fragile in life, and it is cruel as this is a world where only the strong survive? How can we be strong when we are in such pain? Although this article may not give you an exact cure to your pain, I’m hoping that it will give you some peace and comfort. I do believe in you, and I believe whatever pain you’re in will reside one day, for even in your brokeness you are strong.

Pain attacks us from all sides. Physical pain can also lead to emotional pain. We have only a few ways to go when we are in pain: either to try and wait it out or use over the counter pills and natural cures, or to see a doctor. All of those methods will only give you temporary relief at best. All pain comes from the mind: it is our brain that transmits the signals to the affected part of the body that tells us that we are experiencing injury. Sometimes, the pain can be severe, and this signal is telling us to find help to cure the wound. However, in our busy world, we often don’t have time to tend to every nick and cut. So we often work and toil in pain. This isn’t healthy. Pain will exist after its introduction to the body, and this is where we need our tools we naturally have to fight back against the pain.

Several activities help to combat pain, from basic responses like food and rest to complex ones like acupuncture and homeopathic remedies. Often, we neglect our best healing tool: the mind. Yes, that’s right, the human mind, or the same thing that told us we are in pain in the first place. We must think positively, always keeping in mind that we will get better. If we do not believe that we will recover from pain we never will. Some time ago, I heard that people who lose their will to live will just die after awhile. This seems like superstition but it makes sense all the same. We must always have the will to live and survive, because, myth or not, positive energy promotes healing, both on the inside and out. The battle is never just physical, or vice-versa. A person’s mind is tied into our physical body, and when it comes to our pain, it can be very hard to keep our hearts from sinking. We must guard our emotions, replacing “cannot” thoughts with “I can” thoughts. We are linked to our soul and its plight so heavily that we can find comfort just by being positive and believing we can get better. I realize it may be hell, but you can and will fight through it all and be victorious.

Our pain is something that can cause the rain to fall. Our emotions can get tumultuous when we are bent and broken. Fear not: our emotional well being will change. You have to surround yourself with all the things you love and enjoy when you are fighting through your sorrow. Your sorrow will dissipate, and you will feel your pain lessen. I know you will conquer your pain and find peace. You are a wonderful person, and strong. You will live on, and be stronger after the pain you successfully lived through. I hope with all my heart that my words have touched you, as you all are loved by me, as I know that you all are awesome.
