Different Forms Of Caustic Law

Caustic Law From Different Perspectives

Caustic Law is the principle behind karmic return. Karma dictates a principle that everything we do will have a return in the next life or even the future. Caustic Law has existed in just about every culture and belief. Karma, at its core, is a sound doctrine. However, many people don't believe in it or have given up on it due to lack of patience. Karma exists, my friends, and it is out there to be grasped by any person. Karma is beautiful. Who wouldn't want their good deeds to return to them?

The Threefold Law

The Threefold Law is a belief that any deed of yours will return to you three times, be it good deeds or bad. We should always be aware that this is a sound theory in itself. Even if the treefold law is not true, we should practice the belief to help reinforce us to do the right thing. I do not ever want to do wrong deeds or actions if I can avoid it. The threefold law, however, makes sense to me. My selfless actions have always led me to some sort of gain. I wish only good to be done to others, but I am not perfect. Bad or evil deeds always come with a negative return.

The Golden Rule

“Do unto others as you wish done unto you, for this is the law of the prophets.”

The Golden Rule is something that exists in every place in this world. I always want to be treated with respect, and I should be sure to respect others. The Golden Rule seems simple, but many do not practice it or believe in it. Why would anyone not believe in it, you ask? Many people in this world have been treated unfairly. When people have been dealt much misfortune their hearts often harden. We must look past what others have done to us and do good unto others. Trust me, it is the only way to go. Practice The Golden Rule just like karma. We are more than just people who only do good when it is convient but rather people do good all the time.

Babylon And Their Ancient Law

Babylon created law. It was called “Hammurabi’s Code.” Haummurabi’s Code was the classic “eye for an eye” doctrine found even in the old testament of the bible. Hammurabi’s Code was barbaric but it was also the first organized law in the ancient world. Thieves in the ancient world would lose their hand(s) due to this law system. I do not nescessarily agree with the code but it was effcient back then.

Caustic Law is everywhere in this universe. We should accept it as truth. Just about everyone has had a good deed returned to them. Open up your hearts, love one another and do great things to each other in general. You just might save someone's life. I believe in both the basic karma system and the Threefold Law the most. I cannot be bound by my actions as I do not wish a life of karmic penalty. I bring these articles to you in an act of love. Should I receive karmic return or not, I will continue to deliver you awesome content. My love for humanity will shine above all of my deeds, as ultimately love is the answer to everything. Go out there today, and do wonderful things. You just might have them return to you, and that is a beautiful thing.
