Being Grateful For What You Have


When you see the title of this post, you are probably thinking that I am just going to go over simple things regarding being grateful for what you have. All though this is partially true, we are going to cover the deeper meaning within gratefulness. Everyday, millions of Americans go through life taking things for granted. Taking anything for granted, especially our loved ones, is a travesty. We should never believe that what we are given is by birthright. Those who believe they are entitled to things are acting in a tyranical nature. We must be grateful for each breath we take and each moment we are alive. We are to give thanksgiving for each part of life, knowing that we did not come into this world by birthright, but some granted miracle in fate’s play. I overuse the idea of fate and destiny, but I believe in them fully. I have came in some of intervention to humanity, as we all have. We must be grateful for what we do have, even if it is not much. What we do not have in material we have in each other. Although you and I are far apart we are all close in mind and heart. We breath, we cry, and we fall together. I am happy to write for you, in both wakefullness and sleeplessness, as we are not unlike one another. If you can find it in your heart to be grateful for all that is yours, then you will always be successful in your own life and others. If we are not greedy and instead grateful, we have achieved some sort of divine statute. Those who cannot accept what is theirs already are bound to fail in life in what is carnal nature. Those who can honor what they already have and be happy about what they do have are the next generation of enlightened ones and will lead the masses to victory by pure example.

The human mind is worth being grateful for alone. We have an amazing tool that is the mind which can both compensate and bolster our moods. We are able to see past the haze with correct modification of our mental vision. We can be grateful even when it may not seem like we have a lot. Those who do not and have not had much in life have many reasons to be grateful. We just do not see the reasons to be grateful and cling to our ignorance. The human mind, for me, has been a powerful tool used to create many articles and books. It is the supreme tool I have to be grateful for. You, like me, have the same mind. When the human mind is focused on a task it can accomplish many things.

The human heart also is something worth being grateful for. The human heart, or spirit or soul, whatever name it goes by, is what makes us feel. Some believe the heart has an intimate connection with the mind. Buddha himself believed the soul was actually the mind. Whatever you or what someone else believes, is what gives us passion and emotion. Our emotional being is what makes us fight for things in life. Without our heart, we'd have no reason to fight. Our human mind and heart are the reasons we must be grateful in life. We are different than animals, and have a heightened conscious level because of how complex our human heart and mind is. We need to be grateful all the time for even life itself, as we can fade as quickly as a summer flower, here today and gone tomorrow. We must embrace life and never be greedy or prideful, as arrogance is  man’s greatest downfall. Give thanks constantly, as we are bound forever by our humility.
