Searching For Sincerity

Searching For Sincerity

Sincerity- The quality of being free from deceit and hypocrisy.

Sincerity is what everyone really wants from a person when they talk to them. Many of us go through our whole lives being lied to and discriminated against, the whole truth being concealed in many ways from our eyes and ears. We are not blind, and many of us sense when we are being lied to. No matter how we try, we cannot get the insincere people to tell us what is really going on. I know many truths, and I will tell you the most hurtful of thing a person can do is be deceitful. In every part of the world lies are associated with evil and will always catch up with those who are telling the lies. We do not live in a world without any consequences. We live in a vivid world, where everything is not as it seems.

A person’s main two reasons for lying are to falsely gain confidence from another or to cover up what they have done. “High stakes lies” are like what you would say to get out of a traffic ticket. Although you save your body by giving a high stakes lie it does also injure your soul. I am not entirely sure what a soul is yet but I will tell you that it is something sacred that contains our finer qualities that seperates ourselves from the rest of the world. We cannot escape the reality of karma within us and around us: this world is far too great to get lost within bad karma, and I know that you will soar should you choose to erradicate insincerity.

One level where insincerity really stings are interpersonal relationships. Be them friends and lovers or both we should never lie to each other. We must always stand by our word as lies hurt your partner and friends so much. We should always have open communication with those we care about. Quite honestly there is no such thing as a “white lie.” Never spare the truth with anyone. If a person is not strong enough to handle the truth it means two things: they don’t trust you and aren’t good enough for you. Also be warned that a person may have very evil intent with their insincerity. All criminals operate within lies. Be safe, and judge all of those who speak to you. Look for biological give-aways that indicate a person is being deceitful, such as ticks and lack of eye contact.


We are not creatures who are bound by lies and hypocrisy but instead are bound by karma and caustic law. We will feel the weight of karma’s punishing blows should we choose to be insincere. We need to search the souls of all of men to discover who is worthy of our time. Where men of great virtue survive off of truth and benevelance an evil man thrives off of hate, anger, and lies. A liar is never worth your time, and you should kick them to the curb until they can learn how to be a man. Every evil action comes from one source, and that is insincere behavior. We must keep both our soul and mind locked away from the evils of the world, as we will be smitted should we be led astray by the insincere. Tell the truth and you will reap the truth and gain a bunch of respect along the way. Walk with honor and you will be honored. See through lies and you will learn the truth in all things. Be above the crowd and demand people be sincere with you, and if they can’t get rid of them then part ways with them and find someone else who is worthy of your time.
