Human Emotion

Human Emotion

Although the title of this article is only two words the topic is as broad as The Grand Canyon. Human emotion is something we feel at even the shallowest of levels. Emotions are intense, and we all have been through each shade of them. Without emotion, life would be bland and tasteless, lacking of any passion. With them, we live a life full of feeling and meaning. Even in our rage and sorrow we are living a life of fulfillment, as it's better to be angry and sad than dead inside. However, when negative emotion becomes too much it's very hard to break out of it.

We love and feel joy when we are happy, ourselves unaware of the rest of world and their feelings. When we are sad, we always want someone to care. This is one of life's greatest mysteries and paradigms. We should always take some time to examine those around us and be considerate to them. When we feel compassion we are doing something that helps both us and the others. When we are passionate about something, we fulfill our inner desires. There is no escaping this cycle: we are at the whim of emotional intensity, be it bodily or soulfully.

Who are we to judge other people and their emotions? Whether they affect us or influence others aren't we all just participating in a different kind of act of passion? Should we ever be worried about the emotions someone is feeling, as it is completely natural for them to feel the way they do? Indeed it is, as we are bound in some way to try and change other people's emotions as well. Never believe that one's emotions are invalid, as this will hurt the one who is going through the motions.

The Emotional Experience

One who thrives on emotion is bound to fall by the same crutch. One who tries to not feel emotion is bound to be struck by them at the worst time. We are creatures who need to be emotional in all we do as our heart will be with it and ultimately good karma. Karmic balance stipulates both correct action and a healthy dose of compassion and sympathy. What is the greatest act but to love someone? What is the greatest action but to love all of humanity? Love, and do so greatly. Don't try to put a label on it and instead do it for your soul.

We all are part of the human experience and we need to care about one another. I receive no payment for this, and my intentions are nothing but kind. I do this purely as an act that I hope will better the world. I will fight for humanity forever, my pen blazing and battling the principalities of the world. To feel love, sorrow, empathy and sympathy for humanity to me is the real divine aspect, as I am nothing more than a person who can put on your shoes and anyone else's. We are not divided but one, my brothers and sisters, and we will fight with love, the greatest of weapons. I will support you, and I will plead your causes to the stars above. I will not abandon you, nor will I ever call you a bad person, as such ideals are dead to me as we all equal.

I want you to feel everything and to never deny what your heart tells you. Your emotions are correct, and you will always be right in my eyes. So go ahead and feel, as it is always worth it. Live with yourself, and do not deny your reflection, as it is beautiful inside and out.
