Feng Shui

Feng Shui

Have you wondered what it takes to create a healthy and productive home? A healthy home requires both your family, your possessions and furniture to be arranged and aligned in harmony. Your goal is for the home and every part of it to compliment the other parts. This cannot be done by taking off your shoes and sitting on the floor to eat. However, when people are calm and your furniture allows easy movement through the room your household (and the people in it) to he happier and healthier. Creating a peaceful abode is essential.

Say you have two chairs, a couch, and three people in one room, with a table in the middle holding cups and reading material. Your couch should be put behind the table and the two chairs to each side facing the table and the couch. One person can sit on the couch and the other two people can sit in the chairs, or any other comfortable way so much as you don't overload the couch. As for objects, a cabinet and mat for putting shoes on it is preferred. This creates a sort of connection between the people, furniture, and surrounding objects in the room. If a room is big enough for more people than another room, then it is preferred for the people to not over-occupy the smaller room. There are many other ways to make a home more stable, such as adding plants and artwork to improve and sort of “sophisticate” your home.

As for your family and guests? Make sure people are of a calm and agreeing demeanor. Never invite over people who disrespect your home. A home at war is like a prison for your family. Turn on and off lights as needed, using dimmer bulbs. The lights that are not as bright promote healthy and a more natural viewing of your surroundings. Make your home a suitable place where discussions and home activities can be done in an easy and stress-free way.

Remember, food is a part of your life too. I would always make sure to have foods with zero transfat and low sodium. Also, beware of sugar intake. Too many sweets can be very bad for yourself, as it can even lead to diabetes. Choose healthy snacks and eat three prepared meals each day, making sure to watch your calorie intake. As for beverages, water, tea, and fruit juices are a very wise choice. You and your family will benefit from wise food choices in your mind, body, and soul. Face it, we are what we eat.

Finally, I might mention that reading at home is very important. It’s actually scientifically-proven that reading before bed relaxes you, making it easier for you to sleep. As for what reading material? Any, but why not my works? (I’m just kidding: any material is fine as long as it is engaging.) Reading is just as important as active communication is in life. We constantly should be trying to improve our mind as it is connected to all of our consciousness and self-awareness. I have been taught mostly by communication but much of my fun, albeit worthless facts have been a result of reading. Wisdom is needed most for a happy and healthy life. You will be able to make your home more balanced. A happy home is a balanced one, and just one more thing before I go: make sure that objects are always where they can be found easily without getting in the way. Go through your home, empowering and organizing your dwelling, for this is the art of Feng Shui
