Dealing With Feeling Unloved

Dealing With Feeling Unloved

We've all lived through the stages in life where we feel as if no one loves us. Whether this is true or not it is a valid thought and it is very difficult to cope with. May it be a broken relationship or losing a close friend, entering the idea of being unloved is often devastating. We can try to find new love but often what we lost with someone else continues to haunt us for years.

When we start to feel unloved we can become depressed. The best thing to do when feeling unloved and/or depressed is go outside, enjoy nature, and maybe even go out there and spend time with friends and family. The park is a great place to go to alleviate your mind and get some fresh air. Who knows, you might find people to meet or people you already know. There might even be places in your town where you can socialize with new people. I'm not telling you to go find a new woman or man to hook up with but it just might be a good idea to surround yourself with new and interesting people. Everyone is worthy of love, and although we are miles apart I want you to know I love you. I will always be your “Dear Abbot.”

If you can't find new people to be with I want you to remain positive, meditate, and do not give up. Pets are okay for eliminating depression but it's just not the same without people. There are many sites on the internet where you can communicate with others, though I want you to be safe on those sites as there are a lot of predators out there. Additionally, hobbies can help when you are depressed. Just always keep an open mind because we are always just one step away from receiving that love we deserve.

Never give up in life. There is no reason to ever believe life is over. Life is a never-ending journey. One ending is just another beginning. We are bound to find our rightful place in someone's heart forever. There's no reason to force things but we should seek like-minded people to mesh with as two is always stronger than one. Feeling unloved is awful, as when the cruelty of life bears down on someone it is often seen as unbearable. We should bear our friends’ and family's burden but I realize that isn't the frame of mind for everyone. I am where I am today because of the love that people give me. They believe in me, and you know what, I believe in you.


The feeling of being unloved is a horrible feeling that can make people depressed. We should be with others and meditate when we are ever feeling depressed. Our loved ones know just what to do to make us feel loved and welcome. Being outside is a great way to make us feel better about ourselves and eliminate depression. Be it romantic or friendly love we should not give up on our life-long quest to find our friends and soulmate. Life is long, so why should we spend it alone? We have lived through so much and when we lose the one we love we feel as if life is over, but hey, guess what? Life goes on and we deserve to be happy. There’s is nothing wrong with wanting to have someone with us who loves us and treats us for the treasure that we really are. So go out there and feel loved, as you are not only one in a million but to me, you are one in a lifetime. Everyone deserves to be loved and that includes you.
