

Channel in the broadest terms means "A medium for the communication or passage of information." We've all heard the term casually tossed around. What does it mean to "channel" something? Do we, in a loose sense, become a medium for the passage of some sort of information? Or better yet, a person? When we emulate and act in a certain way, are we "channeling" someone else? It could be anything from imitation to so-called channeling the dead, like an actual medium might. Yet, hope does channeling apply to us?

We actually channel all the time. One common instance is when we relay news we read about or hear on television. We even may channel someone or something unconsciously. We had the tendency to let our subconscious become Influenced by subtle things such as media. When we really enjoy a character in a book or show we can act like them without meaning to, our subconscious acting without our knowledge. Channeling, in some ways, can be both good and bad. We shouldn't allow our subconscious control us, but at the same time it can be a powerful tool for us should we find someway to master or "control" it.

What od the aspect of potentially channeling dead souls or ghosts, though? Is this a reality? Mediums are said to channel spirits in what we call séances. This is often a service supplied to a grieving family or someone who believes their house is haunted. In such ceremony people are able to speak to a ghost using the medium's ability to channel, allowing then to speak with the dead. Mediums are a very controversial, and many are con artists. However, how can we ever really know when a person is legitimately able to all forth spirits into their body? What's even more unclear is why a medium is able to do this. We can only leave it up to speculation.

Channeling in the World Today

Channeling plays a prominent role in businesses in the form of idea sharing and purchases of intellectual properties. We do something very common that involves channeling, and that is the purchase of such media like a magazine or newspaper. A magazine is a prime example of channeling ideas, doing so with quality articles and colorful pictures. This is a very easy and entertaining way to learn about new ideas and such. While reading the newspaper, we learn a out events and weather in very concise articles that are quickly read by the viewer. The magazine and newspaper are the channels, and essentially in some sort of way we become a medium for these channels. Other such examples are billboards and television ads, channeling their product and what it does for the viewer, who is somewhat a victim of subliminal or "subtle" messages. I'm sorry, but we really don't need to see the new movies advertised on television. Often we can just read information on the internet and it will be a much better use of our time.


We all are mediums for channels in some way. Whether it be the news, a character in a book, or even deceased souls, we are all mediums. We must be wary of our subconscious for this very fact. Just like how we can change the channel on a television, we must he able to keep our own mind on the right channel at all given times, for our subconscious is more powerful than perhaps I even can fathom. The mind is a interpreter for all information, making yourself the ultimate channeler. Pretty cool, huh? However I'm afraid that the human mind has some sort of scary potential that the smartest scientist could never hope to ever understand.
