The Sage and the Fool

    Wisdom and Foolishness

      There can be no yin without a yang. Likewise,  there can be no wisdom without foolishness in the universe. After all, if everyone was wise the world would be perfect and who wants that? Wisdom is born out of trial and error, and without foolishness we would never try. Without trial the world would be be dull and lazy. Age does not bring wisdom, but being a fool does.

   When I was young, and never tried, my imagination was rampant. It wasn't until I was older that I would become a fool and chase after my own dreams. I failed many times, but I gained valuable experience and with careful thought and contemplation I would gain wisdom as well. This is the process that everyone must live through if they are to obtain anything in life. Wisdom is the key.

   Everyone's Fool

     it takes a lifetime to live, and you don't want to miss any of it.  This means you will have to play the fool, a lot. Every successful person in life walked a hard and unforgiving path to get where they are today. There's no rules to being a fool, just follow your heart. Wisdom will come, just be ready it comes to you.

   Wisdom, the Finest Treasure

   People had fought and died over wisdom. Wisdom cannot be bought, but many have tried to. Wars have been fought over what men call “Secrets.” Knowledge is different, yet wisdom can be learned from it. Likewise, a man with knowledge does not have anything useful unless his knowledge is applied.

   For example, a  person who goes to college gains knowledge for the years they study.  However, they lack wisdom. Once they receive a job in their chosen profession and work for a number of years their knowledge will have became wisdom. This process of learning and trial is a time honored tradition of becoming wise. (At least in an occupational sense.)


  I know not everyone listens, and also I know not everyone cares. There is so much pain in this broken world, but there is a way to rise above it all, and that would be obtaining wisdom. Wisdom is a gift, and it comes from the mind. Wisdom is the key to also the understanding of non-self. One who believes themselves should come last is truly wise, and the one who discards any notion of themselves is beyond wise. Wisdom can be yours, if you should choose to pay the price of playing the fool.

  Should you try and fail, you  will gain valuable insight. Nothing a person ever does is in vain. Every scar you have is beautiful. That's what makes you so unique and wonderful. You have your own story, and that story is worth telling.

  No one lives forever in this current life, and you are constantly changing. A life is a horrible thing to waste, and you are destined for greatness no matter what you choose to do. Wisdom will lift you up, and life will break you down. You though, will find the trials of life easy as you become more open minded and, ultimately, forgiving.


   You have came a long ways merely for reading this article, you will be like an emerging butterfly, graceful and splendid in color and pattern.  Your inner beauty will make you attractive to all. All you have to do is try, and be a fool. When a fool  chases his desires, he always finds a way to get them. On the other hand, A sage discovers a way to achieve his goals, using what wisdom he has at his disposal. Neither way is better, for it's all part of the mystery we call life.
