Quality of Life

    Quality of Life

         We all understand what the words "quality" and "life" mean, but don't ever associate them to each other, much less put them in the same sentence. Quality of life refers to a person's overall health and well being, and also their ability to gain access to the proper resources needed to live their life both successfully and happy. Quality of life is not easily obtained: many families struggle each day and often do not have the funds to provide an adequate amount of food and clothing for their children. Before one gets into semantics and debates whether or not they should be stripped of their family and human rights they need to consider the facts behind their turmoil. Let's delve a tad deeper into the subject. I believe you'll be surprised.


    Every person in life will be forced to make many decisions in their lives, and often they will be difficult ones. The decisions we make today will impact our lives (and other's lives) tomorrow. Our quality of life depends on our ability to make sound decisions. Our welfare depends solely upon our decisions, and our loved ones will either gain favor or scorn through our choices. The concept of yin and yang revolves around everything.

     If we make a decision to sacrifice our money and deny our own pleasure our children and partner will flourish. Don't you see money in the end is the true root of unhappiness? Our decisions come from both the heart and the pocket book: this world is too cruel. We shouldn't be forced to have our money as a life line, but too often it is.

   We should embrace the time we have today, and spend as much time as possible with our loved ones. Every penny is better of used on our loved ones. That's the secret to raising our quality of our life: to raise our friend's and family's quality of life. You keep them happy and they'll keep you happy.

   The only important decisions in life are the ones that impact ourselves and others. No riches can be traded for happiness. Karma is faithful to those who are faithful to it. The next time you are forced to make a tough choice, consider those close to you. Do not let them down.

Improving our Quality of Life

    Many things factor into our own personal quality of life. Often those factors are livelihood, our living dwelling, our social life, and our physical well being (which can be attributed our medical care and what type of nutrition is available to us.) I'd like to say our quality of life is completely dependent on ourselves and what resources we bring in and the choices we make, but that would be far from true.

The nation and area we live in also helps to determine or quality of life. Sometimes where we live plays a big factor in our quality of life. Here in America, we are quite spoiled. We, as a nation, have many resources available to the less fortunate. Life can be liveable no matter your creed, handicap, or lifestyle. The more accepting a nation becomes, the better the quality of life becomes for the inhabitants of the nation. We need to be caring and tolerant of each other: quality of life also depends on how we treat each other. Respect should be freely given.


   There really is no way to improve the quality of life for everyone instantly, but there is.many steps you can take to improve it for yourself and the others you come into contact with. I suppose the answer relies also on how mindful we are to others as well as using correct speech when addressing others. We have everything at our disposal to make this life better for ourselves and others. Do not underestimate yourself. We can make a difference.
