

   Idealism is the philosophy that reality is  mentally derived, and therefore is unsubstantiated.  Idealism has been studied and practiced by many societies dating as far back as ancient Rome.  Idealism entered the English language about 1743. Schools of thought have varied when it comes to idealism but the general principle that material is non-existent and mental ideas flow throughout the world is universal.

  In most cases, idealism exists through the spirit and mind, or one or the other. All material therefore must come from the mind or some subset of it. Materialism does still exist, though it is believed to come from the mind, or ideals.  I cannot exist myself if I do not have thoughts or ideas, I will cease to exist. Idealism even finds it's place amongst some schools of Buddhism, although it is mind-only in origin.

   There is no doubt that the mind is the most powerful device in the world. All ideas serve the world's population and manifest: there is no unused ideas.  All serve a purpose. This central concept promotes a free-flowing society.

   The premises of idealism is that reality is second to reality, and ideas create all of reality. Therefore reality is thus created by oneself and comes from our own experiences. Idealism exists throughout the ages and numerous nations. However, it may not be readily accepted by modern secular societies.

   Idealism will always have contention. If you've been kind enough to read my past articles you will understand we have actually discussed idealism before. In our discussions involving Buddhism we mentioned some concepts in which all reality comes from the mind, including our own suffering. The ultimate reality, nirvana, must be created by the mind. Therefore the mind is the creator of both suffering and freedom. This is a quaint reality in itself, knowing that we are helpless to the mind's creation power. Our true salvation is positive karma. Our karma allows us to both balance and center our own realities. Karma is our escape.

    It's an overpowering thought to know we are helpless in life. I assure you our fate is sealed from birth to death and rebirth. The only thing we can  do  is control our own thoughts. We can find freedom from the suffering through enlightenment. One might argue those who study and believe in idealism have already found enlightenment.

        Idealism exists simply by the statement “I think therefore I am.” Our reality is completely self involved. There is nothing you can do about it except be aware of your reality and try to make the best of it.  Should we break the cycle of continually life, death, and rebirth then knowledge will be our curse. Wisdom is a blessing to some but also may increase our suffering. Ignorance is truly bliss.


   Idealism will exist to the end of time. Only our own minds will either embrace the concept or not. Reality is an illusion created by our mind. There is no existence outside of the mind. You will see your own life and every bit of reality created front your thoughts. Nothing in this world came from any outside source. This is not the matrix, but close to it. I might even  make an argument to extend and add to our bleak reality that we our programs in a machine and we exist for the sole purpose of a grand programmer's amusement.

  Idealism is not sound to most people,and even somewhat unproven, but I waned to present a few views ab out the philosophy so you could draw your own conclusions. I believe in ideals, to some extent. The thought I will leave with you is this: if we are a product of our own mind, then we should only think positive, productive thoughts. You are what you eat.


