Morality (Shila)

     Morality (Shila) is part of the eightfold path (which we discussed in a previous post) and is essential to Buddhism. Morality is what keeps those negative influences away. Worldly desires are your enemy and will cause suffering. The eightfold path will give you freedom from suffering, and morality is a huge part of it.  Without morality you will become corrupted and fall from the eightfold path. The eightfold path is ideal for everyone, and morality and its components are a big part of it. suffering can be eliminated by practicing the eightfold path.

Morality is a foundation, as the earth itself keeps us grounded. Consider the earth like a backbone and morality being like it, leading us along an altruistic path. People may believe that morality doesn't keep life interesting, but that is where they fall. Without the base to our morality, our path will not lead us to success. Morality, our foundation, (This was also explained loosely in a previous post) is divided into 3 categories, right speech, right action, and right livelihood.

  Right speech is critical to what others think of us, especially strangers.  No harsh speech, no idle talk, and absolutely no lying.   Right speech is critical to what others think of us, especially strangers. Right speech shapes our future actions, and should be practiced always. I know how hard it can be to avoid idle talk, which only proves no one is perfect and we are all the same. Words can hurt, and we must keep from harming any living thing. Not lying is self explanatory, and it definitely corrupts your morality.

  Right action is excessively important, like all parts of the eightfold path, and one can easily see how it connects  to the other parts. Dignity towards our relationships, property and all life forms. Dignity towards our personal relationships means no sexual misconduct. Dignity towards property is fairly simple. No stealing or destroys other's property, as well as not cheating them out of it. Dignity towards all life forms means no killing, and we need to understand the laws of reincarnation. (As covered in previous posts.) We must think as if our souls our fused to all life, and consider consequences. Killing has no place in good conduct (morality.)

 Right livelihood takes from the principles right speech as right action, so much that we don't make make our living doing anything that would infringe upon the Other two principles. There is 5 livelihoods that  one should be concerned about. Trading in animals for slaughter, weapons sells, poison sells, slavery, and selling of intoxicants. (that is, alcohol and drugs.)  None of these are part of good conduct, and destroys both life and society.

  Morality is important. It's important to both your growth and ones personal journey, as well as those around you. To understand the eightfold path requires practice and diligence. You can be free from suffering, but only through the elimination of suffering and ultimately this is attainable through the eightfold path. Good conduct, when practiced along with the aspects of wisdom and.meditation, will bring you true enlightenment. Enlightenment is what all life yearns for. I know you are on your way to freedom from suffering. Reach out and grasp the eightfold path, and you will be there.
