The Mythical Werewolf

The Mythical Werewolf

The werewolf, or lycanthrope, is one of the oldest and most popular creatures in folklore. The werewolf myth is so old and popular that it has shifted many times since its earliest tales. The old legend goes that a human contracts lycanthropy, (or the disease that causes a person to change into a werewolf,) from a bite or a scratch from another werewolf. After that, the inflicted person turns into a werewolf during the full moon. Unfortunately, this myth is boring, isn't it?

Recent pop culture has portrayed the werewolf as a creature that changes without the full moon. Additionally, ideas of the werewolf being the vampire's rival have been popular. It really makes sense, too, as the werewolf and vampire are polar opposites, with one being social and the other being extremely antisocial. Another fun spin they've put on werewolves is that they have a connection to both shamans and druids, which is really nothing new at all, but instead, a long since believed custom.

Another spin on the werewolf is the vampire-werewolf hybrid, which is one of my favorites. Some stories even portray werewolves as valiant heroes and avengers, making for creative storytelling that captivates fans worldwide. The werewolf has definitely changed over the centuries, giving it a sort of immortality all its own.

The connection between wolves and humans has always been a subject for the imagination of all. Often, I can't but help think of it myself. Wolves are creatures that have families of their own, much like we do. They always have someone leading the pack, just like in human society. The strongest wolves get the most meat, which is just like how our strongest receive the most money. Wolves hunt together, which is like how a business works together to make a profit. It really is alarming how much we have in common with the wolf, isn't it?

I believe that werewolves will always make for the subject of great fiction. No one will ever deny their love for wolves and of course, werewolves themselves. Although my fiction is mostly heavy with tales of vampires, there will always be a place to fit in the occasional werewolf. One thing that really interests me, which extends past the idea of the werewolf, is the idea of humans transforming into other animals, like bears and wild cats. Is this idea really that boring, as it is often untouched in media? No, as I believe that werewolves are just that loved, thanks to our fascination with the wolf, of course.

The wolf is the symbol for many things, from its hunting to its extreme hunger that drives their hunting habits. They are just one of many creatures of the night, and I'm happy to say that they are what will keep people always happy to hear of stories of people transforming into them. Without appreciation of stories, there would be no reason for writers like me. That being said, I would like to thank all of you for reading this blog. I'll always be here, writing for you, as I howl at the moon. Ciao!

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