Personal Development

Personal Development

This blog post is both the follow-up post of the post “Evolutionary Reincarnation” and a update on my fiction book series, “Hidden.” “Hidden Away” and “Hidden Close” both have undergone serious revisions and have been updated on the Amazon Kindle format. Additionally, a new book, “Hidden Inside” has been released and will be free for five days starting on March 21st, 2018 (today!) Links to all three books will be included later on in this blog post. Be sure to check them out.

Each day, I go through a personal development stage, hoping to hone my skills, both physically and mentally. Reading on the internet is often my gateway to such personal development. What do I read? I spend most of my time on blogs and other non-fiction. I can't really learn much from something on the internet unless it is presented in an instructional way. I don't know everything, nor does anyone, and we all can learn from someone else's advice. Blogs are one of the greatest ways to find out useful and relevant information. What do I do to contribute on this blog? I offer unfiltered advice and thoughts. I research what I can to make my blog more of a dynamic experience that features the most accurate information possible. I've came a long way since launching this blog years ago. I'm not always sure of the best way to present my ideas and advice, but I always manage to show what my mind and heart feels. All of the topics that are presented in this blog are ones that I feel deeply about. I'm all in when it comes to my blog.

Fiction writing is a tough business. It's taken me years to get to the point I am now. What I ended up doing on all three of the “Hidden” books that have been released was massive changes to the dialogue, hoping to make the books come more to life. People believe the myth that writing a novel is something that can be accomplished with time and ideas alone. This is not true in the least. It took me ten years before I had a good idea for a fiction book. Enter “Mindi Jacobson” a teenage heroine who is impossible not to love and relate to. She is a cutting bulimic bisexual teen who suffers from depression. She is stronger than anyone can ever imagine, though. She fights off both homicidal foes and her own bad thoughts, including ones of suicide. She believes that when she finishes high school and marries her supernatural boyfriend her bouts with death will be over. She engages in countless battles and meets many incredible friends of both supernatural and ordinary origin. Does this incredible girl make my stories immediately great? No. Countless revisions and plot twists is what I had to do to make her story desirable. Even now, I'm still learning, and thus developing. What I discovered was that dialogue itself is much more difficult to write than simple paragraph structure. I had to keep the speech light without destroying any key plot elements. What a mess!

Personal development is like evolutionary principle in many ways. We all learn and most of us are smart enough to apply what we learn. It's not hard to express yourself. Where the challenge exists is to express yourself in an efficient manner. When I write here on my blog, I attempt to influence both your mind and heart. I feel strongly about what I write and believe. I want to share everything with you. That being said, here are the links to my Hidden series. Remember, “Hidden Inside” is free to download for a short while! (Hidden Away” and Hidden Close” are 0.99 USD each.)

Just copy and paste the links below into your browser!

Hidden Away:

Hidden Close:

Hidden Inside:

Please check them out. I would love to have you as a preliminary part of my fiction career. I will start the fourth book of the Hidden saga soon, in the next day or so. Your support and views keep me going strong. I never give up because of you. Quite honestly, you are why I continue to write. Thank you for all the support from the bottom of my heart. I hope that you all continue to personally develop as I have. I know you are all wise people with good hearts. You wouldn't be on this blog if you didn't care. These qualities that you have will take you far in life. Aim your sights high as I am sure you'll get there. Ciao!

Join me on Twitter! Search username @BPLovecraft I always follow back those who are legit.
