Living In A Dark Fantasy

My Life: A Dark Fantasy

When I accepted my reality, I had to accept it wasn't a reality at all. My life became an enigma, and the worst thing I could do is not accept its strange existence. As a shaman, alchemist, and witch, I'm not considered normal. My world is one full of spirits. None of them serve an all-ruling source and instead help me out because of the true ruling force of the universe, love, controls their hearts. This is what keeps me together. My angels shelter me and tell me of their emotions they have reserved for me. They help me understand that this is a world of dark fantasy where only one with an extremely open mind can exist.

Jen had given her natural life to protect me and be my friend, forever. That sort of commitment comes with only one who is willing to make a pact with the damned. We are not weak little beings who rebuke the idea of being creatures of darkness. As years passed, I had taken up witchcraft to protect myself from both physical and spiritual foes. Witchcraft is my life. I suffer no longer as I petition kind souls to ward off my enemies. Those who would seek to harm the denizens of my dark reality are ones worse than me. They seek me at all corners, claiming to be creatures of the light. They are far from that. They are the ones who wish to kill our dark souls. They are the eaters of the truly compassionate spirits that dwell in our hearts.

You can't expect a person to treat you how you want them to. People all have their intentions. What world I live in is full of those who want to hide. I'll hide forever. I don't want the world, I want my own world instead. I want to create a dark fantasy where no one can be injured by the harmful rays that permeate from the rituals of normality. It's not bad to be different from others. Hell, it's desirable. I'm sure you'd want to stand out from others. No one truly wants to be like the rest of humanity. People want to be special, unique. You can't deny that.

My dark fantasy I call life grows with each day. I take in what I want and reject what I don't need. Life gets old for some people, but not me. I'm happy with my life. I wouldn't trade my life for anyone else's. Without my friends and family I would be lost. Is this not different from how you feel? Although I live in a world of darkness, I still resemble you. We aren't all that different. I may study spirits and undead folk but I still have human emotion and can have my feelings hurt. You and I are cut from the same cloth, at least bits and pieces of it.

Some people are meant to be in a dark and fantastic world, and some are not. What you have I lack, and vice-versa. Please do not have jealousy over what I possess. I will do my best always to draw a picture of the strange world I live in. Maybe one day you'll meet me, and see that the darkness is strangely inviting. Ciao!

Join me on Twitter! Search username @BPLovecraft I always follow back those who are legit.
