Suicide Awareness: Save Lives

Suicide Awareness: Save Lives

We don't want to face the reality that people kill themselves. Guess what? They do. The people who take their own lives may look just like us and may even be perceived as normal. Always, when someone takes their own life, it's a surprise. We always seem to be the last one to know when someone was in emotional distress. We never seem to care until it’s too late. Most people who succeed in their suicide attempt had tried to kill themselves before and failed. It is important to look for the warning signs when it comes to suicide. 

I divide suicide victims into two halves. The first half are people with known existing mental health conditions. The other half are those who are depressed due to negative events that have occurred in their lives. For me, I know when people die. It breaks my heart every time someone takes their life. For me, the suicide of a close friend turned my world upside-down. I didn't give up and instead have dedicated my life to promoting suicide awareness. Don't call me a saint, but instead call me someone who cares. Suicide happens to many people and the victim count rises each year despite our attempts to prevent it. No psychiatrist or psychologist can save them. The only thing that can is a friend who cares. Most suicides can be prevented if the person contemplating suicide has close friends and family. God, I feel responsible for those I couldn't save. This feeling is haunting. I can't let anymore people die. I am but one man, but with you, I hope that I can help educate you and you can work for me and save some lives, too.

Suicide isn't something that many people feel like discussing. It's dark and those who are stuck in their old ways judge the issue. You can't judge those who try to take their life or succeed. If you are religious and object, then I want you to know you are a person with no soul. Suicide victims are just that, victims. I hate Christianity in general and their views on suicide are hateful and offensive. There's a reason why no one gives a crap about Christianity these days.

Suicide is something that I don't want anyone to suffer. If you are thinking about ending your life, please don't. I love you and I'd do anything for you to know this world is not worth leaving. Your life may be in ruins but your soul is not. The only thing that matters for a person is their heart and soul, and I want you to know that you have a beautiful heart and soul. Cherish it as I do. You don't have to believe you are alone. Go outside, enjoy the world, and realize that you have a life that is worth living. Life can only get better, and my blog right here has many resources that will help you understand that life will go on for you. Don't let the world drag you down. You are too beautiful to die. Death is ugly and is something you shouldn't experience unless you have to. Just please, my friend, if someone you know or even you are thinking of ending your own life, find some friends to help you or the one who is thinking about taking their own life. You'd be surprised how much a friend can help. We don't need anymore people dying. I just beg of you to be aware of a person's mental condition. Those people who may be a statistic tomorrow are worth your time and love. Remember, love is the answer to everything. Ciao!

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