Life Is Worth It

Life Is Worth Living

This is a very personal post. No matter how bad life gets, it is always worth living. I'm not going to hit you with some religious nonsense, as I'm sure that I am not suited for it. When two of my friends left this world, I felt heartbroken, but more importantly, I felt as if I should have stopped it. I'm not that strong, though, at least back then I wasn’t. Now, I have a new life, a new place, and a new strength. Jen and Josalyn didn't die for nothing. They taught me that life is worth living. They would have wanted me to wage a war for them, to let people know that suicide is not worth it.

We live in a difficult world. Depression for some people is unavoidable. When our lives change in negative ways we tend to become upset. That's just what people do. What Jen Hawkins suffered from was by far different. It wasn't her choice to die, and she would have wanted you all to learn from her example. Maybe you aren't going to kill yourself right now, but life is a winding trail. Maybe tragedy will hit you in the future, and it may leave you devastated. Don't you ever give up. I love you far too much to want see you fall. Life is worth living.

As you may be aware, I write fiction novels, most notably Hidden Away and Hidden Close, which are available on Amazon for Kindle. (Hidden Away is free for a limited time now! That would be the first book in the Hidden series! I'll include a link to it in this blog post!) In this book, there is at least two teenagers that suffer from depression. At some points, they attempt to take their own lives. They fail, and find life still has much in store for them, making them realize life is worth living. The entire series is a Young Adult series that features both fantasy and romance elements. They're great for both adults and teenagers. The main heroine originally starts out as a depressive bisexual who is struggling to find a place in the world. She later on stumbles into a hidden world full of supernatural creatures, dangers, and, ultimately, love. Each book has the message that life is a battle and it is always worth struggling through to survive. Mindi becomes engaged and fights against many deadly foes to one day hopefully become married to her love.

Depression is hell, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. Every battle makes us stronger, and in this life, we need every victory that we can get. Don’t give in and don't give up. I know what happened to my friends, and I wish that their fate never becomes your own. I can't say anything more than to tell you that I love you. Here is that link I promised. You can download Hidden Away for free for the next four days. Ciao!

In memory of my friends Jen+Josalyn RIP

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