Yama And Yami

Yama And Yami

Yama and Yami were twin brother and sister that appeared in Indian myth. Yama was the first person to reach the afterlife. Yami wanted to mate with her brother, but Yama argued that it was immoral and would condemn them if they had a child. (Yama is to be seen as modest and one who would blush over sexual topics.) Yami argued further, stating that even the gods had committed sexual sins.Yama did not deny their sins, but further stated that the gods did not have children from such sexual sins. Yama went on to die, becoming the first human to enter the underworld. He became ruler or god of the afterlife, and night and time were created. Yami mourned her brother's death, even despite the fact the gods tried to comfort her. Night was made not only to comfort the dead but also to relieve Yami.

Yama and Yami parallels the story of Adam and Eve yet it is important to mention that the tales of Yama and Yami were produced thousands of years before the story of Eden. This and other plagiarisms in the Bible make the book a noticeable counterfeit. This is not my intent of writing this post, though. I thought I’d make this relevant. The story was something that prohibited sexual sin and incest, which was a major problem back then. Almost everyone knows adultery and incest is a crime and sin, but does that prevent people from doing such things? Let's take it to a whole new level. If someone knows what they are doing is wrong, do they stop what they are doing? Two factors decide this: conscience and addiction. That's right: addiction destroys morals. Those with addiction have diminished impulse control. Love can even be addictive, as was Yami's problem.

Anything can be addictive, especially vice. Vice includes pride, greed, wrath, envy, lust, gluttony, sloth, and vanity. Most addiction is born from those categories, one and often several. Yama didn't give into vice, denying Yami his body. He was rewarded for his actions, and saw godhood and the afterlife. Yami grieved so much, yet I feel her pain drove her into the epitome of carnal desire. Yama was someone who inspired ancient civilization to cut down on hereditary diseases brought forth from incest. Yama ruled over the night, and is a personal hero for me. Tales such as his and others like Artemis and Atalanta inspire me to believe in true love, one free from physical aspects. My fiction has became ones of virgin stories, where maidens wait until marriage. I may be brutal with my opinions, but I use my fiction to promote goodly qualities, with abstinence of killing and carnal pleasure being major ideals.

A diminished conscience and addictive behaviors lead us to sin, which means “err” in Latin. We cannot hope to abstain from them unless we fill our conscious with good things. Yama was ahead of his time. He worried about his soul and disregarded his body. He was rewarded upon death for his thoughts and actions. We live in a broken world, and I cannot tell you what to do or what not to do, as it is a personal decision you will have to make. I will tell you this: wait until marriage, men and women. Should you have fallen here, do not worry: we all have a chance at redemption. Ciao!

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