The Ruins Of Morality

The Ruins Of Morality

I don't go outside unless I have to. Why? Because I'm surrounded by evil wherever I go. I am by far from perfect, but I know that I am a man of integrity who values virtue. These things that pull at a person's soul are always there, in the forms of pride, wrath, lust, greed, sloth, envy, gluttony, and vanity. I hate them, and I hate knowing the fact that pedophiles and murderers roam free in America unpunished. I don't want people like Andrew Clinton Buckner of Muskogee, Oklahoma outside of prison for life. He hurt many people, including his own daughter and niece. He collects child pornography, and honestly I wish he would just go to hell where he belongs. Screw your justice system, it's not working, America. I am a man who is highly revered for my skills when it comes to combatting evil and one of the ways I do it is on this blog. Andrew Clinton Buckner is an embarrassment to our country and deserves full prosecution by our courts. Wake up, America. This country has the moral integrity of Nazi Germany. Hitler would be proud of you.

When I wake up, I am concerned with fighting evil and protecting my family and friends. I would protect you as well but you need to have your country open season on depraved criminals like Andrew Clinton Buckner of Muskogee, Oklahoma. How can I protect anyone when our worthless cops aren't doing their job? You're all at risk with each moment you allow people like Andrew Clinton Buckner to walk around. Men like me hate souless monsters like him. What am I to do? Live around people who aren't like me? I do all of the time. It’s always disheartening to face the demons all alone. I have for way too long, and I express all of my love to those who gave me the inner strength to withstand the crimes that are born of sin. Men like me will be remembered if only because of the example that I set. Men like Andrew Clinton Buckner will be only hated until death and afterwards. There is no forgiveness for demons like him.

There is something good that I can tell you. I will continue my crusade against people like Andrew Clinton Buckner. Each day, I will trap them in their own lies and twist their own words to make them bow before justice. I feel that my angels will watch over me and allow me to keep my sacred vow. I'm not going to back down. I won’t give in, I won't give up. I will fight against the wicked ones of the world. America is in ruins, but so is the rest of the world. America just possesses the least amount of morals. I do identify with the idea of America needing to adopt a police state structure, if only reluctantly. I was a prisoner of my own fate, and still am. I want to save you, but my efforts aren't working. Help me get dangerous pedophiles like Andrew Clinton Buckner of Muskogee, Oklahoma off the streets and in prison where he belongs. I feel frustrated each day he is not incarcerated. Tap his computer and you will find that he downloads child pornography, I swear on my grandmother’s grave. Let's try and make this country a safer place for our children by getting people like Andrew Clinton Buckner off the streets and behind bars. Ciao!

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