A Conspiring World

A Conspiring World

This world has conspired against the commonwealth since time began. We do not have money but it does. What little money we earn we have every company and corporation yearning to take it from you. There is no one on your side outside of what you believe in, meaning your morals and principles are the only thread that is holding you together. This world's leaders are plotting against us all. Trump and North Korea are not enemies but more like business partners. They are attempting to dwindle down the world's population at any cost. Pope Francis is our enemy as he is blending religion in an attempt to create a one world religion united under their god Satan. Whether you believe in Satan or not, they do, as it is the god of them and this world. They want nothing more than to control the world and declare a New World Order and control the populations through fear with the abuse of weapons and the militaries of this earth.

Self-fulfilled prophecy has been a real thing for a long time. The New World Order is using the end time prophecy in the Bible as a guide book to create a believable scenario to confuse Christians into thinking that it is made by god. The news is that all of this is nothing more than a manufactured end time plot where no Jesus or god will save anyone. President Trump is a puppet in all of this, posing as an outward demonic figure. He represents the worst of America and should be impeached for his incompetency. I have never
a worse President in my 33 years. He and Pope Francis are two disgusting individuals for participating in this satanic population control event.

The United States wants nothing more than to usher in a police state. They will use civil disobedience and gun violence as justifying factors. The reds and the blues arguing in protests and all over social media are just a few new reasons to control this nation with military power. On top of all this, you have chemists and scientists produce new diseases and the Chimera to unleash on the populations when they are least expecting it. If you don't know what the Chimera is, they are animals possessing human organs. It's skeptical but they may be getting these organs from organ donors.

This may all seem like paranoia but I am an inside source. I don't seek to fight against all this as I don't have the money or resources. If any of you believe all this, prepare for a hazy and hairy future where our lives and spirituality are constantly hanging in the balance. There is only one thing you can do to prepare yourselves and that is to be above it all. We are not the system's tools and we must not trust the governments as they are not looking out for our best interest. Remember, their plan is to use disease, hunger, death, and war to usher in their new age. Resist the New World Order and I will right there with you.

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