Cyberpunk Reality

Cyberpunk Reality

The future is already upon us. Prosthetics, human cloning, chimera, cyborgs, androids, drones, sophisticated AIs, and nanobots are already a reality. Laser rifles and rail guns have already been developed, and the fantasy Sci-Fi world we dream of is already the world we live in. The main question that I have is simple and complex at the same time: are we disturbing natural design, or are we evolving the human race into something bigger and better? The debate rages on, at least in my own mind.

The human body can be the perfect host for nano-augmentation, enabling the body and mind to exceed the former norm of the human body. We don't need a god to design us anymore. We can create a greater design based off of his now obsolete blueprints. I'm not one to argue that people decay as they get older. What a person gains in wisdom as they age is outweighed by the physical frailty and the weakened immune system that plagues and kills the older human. There is only two barriers that prevent people like me and others from ushering in many improvements on what was once perceived as superiority: money and morality. Augmentation to the human frame is too much of a financial burden to all accept the highest bidder, and human ideal on supposed godly design. Godly design or not, I think its more than reasonable that we all can agree that we need to update what is holding us back from true greatness. Imagine how powerful an athlete can perform with the right tweaks and boosts to their nervous systems and adrenal release response. The spinal column can gain faster reflexes with a quicker CNS and our heart can be made to pump faster to heal any wounded soldiers at an accelerated rate. Limbs can be modified to carry and lift more, and our lungs can be made to breathe at a more efficient rate to allow us to run faster, avoiding what may have been a deadly encounter. If we eliminate our precognitions of what our god intended us to do or be, we can elevate our bodies to become the god’s machina.

I hold back what I know not because I choose to but because I receive less time to write and no one seeks out what I know. I have studied anthropology and archaeology for years and found out that the fall of every great civilization came from the inability to move passed our ideals of god and our prenotion to commit war and violence. With the right augmentation to the human body, we can create enforcers who can put civil violence and any sort of terrorism to an end, quickly. My body has taught me a valuable lesson, and that is that it does not like to be weak. Now, I train each day, both my body and mind to better serve you. With each and every word I write, I become a more gifted writer. With each workout session, I become stronger, enabling my mind to benefit better as it has the joy of owning a healthy frame.

We must demand a new age to be brought forth, one that will bring to life human experimentation and the modification of what we still believe is godly design. Only in a new world can we escape tyrants like Trump and his nonsensical agendas that only line his pockets with more money. We are on the cusp of the future, so why not throw it over the edge and kick off a new and exciting world full of possibilities? God will no longer be our savior in it, but instead human augmentation, allowing us to move past even our traditional lifespans. Ciao!

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