Will Power Versus Free Will

Will Power Versus Free Will

 Today, I wanted to compare and draw conclusions from two ideas and schools of thought, one being what is “free will”, and the other is what I call “self will”. We all know what free will is, so we need not explain it. Self will, though, is similar to what people call “will power”. Self will is the opposing force to free will. Free will can even be seen as giving into temptation. That's right, free will is nothing more than us giving into our desires. If free will is chasing after what you want, then this purly means it's just us engaging in vice. Self will, or will power, is all about control. It's not about controlling others, but rather, yourself. Self will relies on you being able to block out your desires and urges. Will power conquers all forms of vice, and is essential for becoming a better and stronger person.

We've determined that free will and self will are polar opposites, but let's define why people believe in free will bring a good thing. Free will implies that there is no godly source controlling all, which is what almost all religions believe it. Free will does not fit into a believer’s life, as God's will replaces it. Neither idea stands out to me, as God's will sounds like a fancy word for will power. Fate and destiny control the enlightened mind, and that is what I believe in, with a dash or two of will power sprinkled in for good measure. I believe that our lives are bound to a predetermined fate from the moment we are born and even before. I believe that the universe is tied into cosmic principle and balance that ultimately keep this world (and others) safe. Fate dictates that there can be no free will, and I'm inclined that this is the case. People believe in fate because of both religion and the rational person's mind. If you can't do something because of someone else's will that would be imposed upon you for doing said action then how true it is that free will simply can't exist. 

 Self will is great. Self will is something that is sort of in between the concepts of fate and free will. Self control is one of the most important things there is. Will power keeps us away from habit and vice, empowering us. The thing that self will gives us is a way to mediate against the pitfall that is free will. I'd like to present this little theory for you to argue against free will. “If a tree falls in the woods, and no one is around to hear it, did it still make a sound?” Debate that principle against the merits of free will.

 Free will is fun to think of but it really isn't what it is cracked up to be. Will power is much more than any idea of being in control over our own actions, because isn't will power just that? You have to control your own mind, and when fate rolls around, don't let yourself be dragged along with it. Go with it, and let your intuition and will power help lead you along the way. Free will may not exist, but that doesn't mean that the creative source that governs the universe doesn't have a plan for you, just as any controlling force would. Resist those evil vices with your self will, your will power, and you will be set for a healthy and productive life, whether you are in control or not.
