The Pieces Of You

The Pieces Of You 

 There are many pieces of you that make you real. The parts of the human entity have been pondered throughout the ages, from the ancient Egyptians, to biblical accounts, and of course, by the modern psychologists. What I have found out that the human entity is made up of a few components and as each one grows in strength the other ones will inevitably grow as well. You do not have to worry about the condition of one piece of your psyche, as the other parts of your structure will establish growth in the other parts of you. 

 The humanoid structure is made up of no less than these parts: the psyche, the subconscious, the spirit, the shadow, the personality (persona), the name, the soul, the oversoul, the ghost, and finally, the body. All of these 10 parts must be acting at optimal levels for you to maintain your health. If one of these 10 parts is not fully functioning, then the others won't operate properly, either. It's safe to mention that the above 10 components of the humanoid being may be divided into subparts, like the chakra network. Keep these parts healthy to maintain the larger whole, and vice-versa.  

The psyche is your mind's center of feeling, directing our emotions inward and outward. For all extents and purposes, this is the true inner center of your mind, and also the only one that matters to your spiritual essence of the mind. The subconscious is the part of your mind that you are not fully aware of, the part that secretly influences your feelings and actions. The spirit is your inner strength, your will to live, and in it is contained all of your heart's feelings and needs. It represents the heart’s feelings so much that poets use spirit and heart interchangeably. The shadow is our dark side, the negative things about us that we wish to cast into the darkness. Your shadow is your mortality. Your personality or persona is your mask you put on in front of those you socialize with, the person you are when you are in front of other people. The persona is sort of like your superhero self as if you are in a comic book. Your name is your deeds, and your legacy that comes from it. It is solely for identification purposes in society. Your soul is your immortal self, something that attributes to virtue and moral actions. Your oversoul is what rules over you and protects you, it is simply your guardian watching you from a far. Your ghost is your true self, something that will be emitted should you fall. It is like a recording of you that is released upon death. Your body, lastly, is what will die, and carry you in sickness and in health while you are alive.

 As you see there is many parts of you. Do not neglect any of them. You are more than just some pile of carbon and water. You are a child of the sun, something beautiful. It doesn't matter who you are, you are beautiful and worth so much to everyone. Keep the parts of you healthy and you will shine as bright as the moon and the stars on the darkest of all nights.
