Is There Light In The Darkness?

Is There Light In The Darkness? 

 One would say that there can be no light in the darkness, in a philosophical sense. However, I feel this conceptual belief comes from religious documented quotes that are widely overused. Light, as we know it, is the concept of good and enlightened behavior, as where darkness is a state of ignorance and sinister behavior. In some cases, people choose to walk in darkness, where they rationalized anything can be used for good or evil. Is there truly salvation and enlightenment in the darkness? 

 Darkness to me is something beautiful. The darkness can be the perfect hiding place for those feeling pain and sorrow. Haven't you ever noticed the magick that the night creates? It is the refuge for lovers and those who hate what they look like in the light, where all flaws are revealed. I don't think anyone is particularly fond of people seeing their scars. That's not vanity, it is simply human nature. The darkness teaches this core principle: that those who grasp onto the darkness will inevitably learn much about their own ability to adapt to new situations, much like our eyes adjusting when the light is turned off in your room. When we have an absence of light, we must make our own light, or some sort of source that will produce light. For many, they turn to enlightenment, which doesn't have to do with the religious and philosophical principle. Enlightenment can be had by anyone who seeks it, despite their path. 

 Darkness is not a set behavior, but more a completely different philosophical principle. If I can tap into the darker regions of my psyche, I can then change my weaknesses into strength. Where chewing someone out and making them feel bad seems evil to some, it is the best motivator for the winning sports team coach. Where lashing back at someone who treated you unfair seems corrupt to some, it makes perfect sense for those who believe honor must be defended. We are not children of the light, by choice. We do not do evil things, as evil is not associated with the darkness, but instead passion and pure emotion appear perfectly in those who cling to the life-giving shadows. 

 Dark behaviors lead to the want of something better. Many are deceived by the promises that light offers them. Like a lying politician or a pastor that cheats on his wife, the light fools those who would have seen the brilliance that comes from the dark. Can you imagine what there is to gain in a world that is less populated? Don't you know while the conformist sleeps, we are awake, living life to its fullest, free from the distractions of the busy day world? We do not stop when others do. Don't you know beautiful Venice is best seen underneath the moonlight? If you sleep at night you'll never see the beauty of the full moon on a summer’s night. 

 I am not restricted by the light, for my light that illuminates the darkness that I dwell in. Light has passed over my soul, and led me to the very place I found enlightenment. When I began my journey, I had to do it in the darkest of all situations, in which was alone and without any help. When I met my fantastic companions, it was in the dark. When I discovered my enlightenment, it came with acceptance of my shadow self. Light and darkness exists in everyone, and the denial of your own inner darkness will make you also deny your true self.

 I'd love for you to give my perspective of true darkness some thought. I am happy in the dark, as I am not afraid of the unknown. Light is easy for people to live in, for it shows everything for you to easily see. One who survives in the dark is one who must search for the truth even harder, making them a true warrior. Find the enlightenment that is found in the darkness with me, all those who wish to know the deep mysteries that are obscured there. For you will know what it is like to find the most hidden of all saviors, and all the ways of the night will open up to you. Light a torch and come with me.
