A Controlling World

A Controlling World 

  We go through each and every day being manipulated by both bad and good influences. We may not like it, but we are always the puppets in someone elses play. We must identify the strings that are attached to us and decide if we still want to be under that person or emotion’s control. Yes, that is right, we can be often controlled by our emotions. Emotions cloud and obscure our otherwise clear perception.

  Family, friends, and bosses at work are often the primary marionettes in life. We often are faced with decisions that all three of the previously mentioned forces wish to influence. It may be as simple as buying a new car or as complex as friends wanting you to stop hanging out with other friends so you can spend more time with them. Bosses constantly want you to work to your fullest potential, and all this can make you feel like you have absolutely no control in life. (Guess what? Sometimes we really don’t have much say in our lives.) Like most things, what really matters is our response to internal and external forces when they try to change our lives.

  What are we to do when someone we love asks us to do something very unreasonable in life? We have to talk it out with them, and explain where you are coming from. People who are unreasonable will always respond to sound reasoning first. If the person does not respond to your reasoning, then it is time to set boundaries with them. Be stern, and set down rules for their conduct towards you. If they do not want to keep your boundaries then they probably aren’t worth it. In life, you do not have the time to deal with people who are trying to influence you in a negative manner.

  How can we identify good and bad influences? It is rather simple. You’ll always know when negative influence is being placed upon you when your heart tells you something isn’t quite right. Your heart often realizes things before your mind is able to register what is going on. Our emotions are both our strength and weakness. However, when our emotions speak, they speak loudly. Love is the condition of perfection, where as malice is the condition of imperfection. If something is not produced out of love, then it is wrong. (Jobs, however, will require you to do many things that are both thoughtless and emotionless.) We must always remember that love should be behind all of our actions. We must love before all else. 

  Good influence happens less than bad influences, but hey, when good influence happens be sure to always go with the flow. We are human beings who must work together if we are all ever going to be happy. Humanity is something that everyone needs. However, we must realize that people are going to try their best to manipulate us. We must be aware that those strings will be there until we identify them and their origins. We are more than puppets on strings, as we are sensitive beings that just want to be loved. However, love is something that you cannot earn, no matter how many times you allow yourself to be influenced. Be wise and filter the bad manipulation out of your life today.
