The Importance of the Truth

The Importance of the Truth

Hearing the truth should be an inalienable right we have as a human. I'm fully aware that we most often hear lies in this world. Have we ever stopped to think why they so easily lie? (Rhetorical; I fully accept all of us are on a different plane than casual thinkers.) Lies are born out of deceit. We lie to others to cover up our mistake. Is it really that hard for us as the human species to tell the truth? Often the subject of shame comes up as one of the reason why a person might lie. Should we really be ashamed and lie over our mishaps, or should we look each other in the eyes, tell them we made a mistake, and accept responsibility?

We talk about defense mechanisms in this life. I would be led to believe that lying is a major defense mechanism. We lie when we are in trouble, or are not facing the reality which is tied into the truth. We lie out of weakness. We need to understand the consequences tied into the lie, though. How will our family and friends feel when they find out we lied to them, the people we're supposed to love the most? No ones perfect, as I always say. The human creature sometimes does not want the other in pain, so they lie to them, while hiding their own suffering. Only someone who is suffering themselves would lie to their beloved to avoid their suffering.

There is also what we call a high stakes lie. A high stakes lie is exactly as it sounds: a lie told when something precious is at stake. One obvious example is when we lie to the authorities over our own crimes. Many find this necessary, yet we must understand this has complications of a moral nature. Even still, in think most of us do not want to admit to an authority that we ran a red light, or even we're knowledgeable of the traffic violation. Perhaps this is a very black and white issue that we fail to think of in said terms.

The truth is often one of the most perfect things we can give to a person. We must embrace our flaws, and the only way to do that is to tell the truth at all times. It may sound like a very hard task, but such is the nature of keeping honesty as part of your honor code. By lying we only set up ourselves for a walk down a destructive path. Do not knowingly execute bad karma. Love is always about honesty. To show compassion to one another we must tell them the truth.

There is something that may be an even more evil form of a lie. If we purposely lie to someone to send them down an incorrect path. We must never mislead a confused wanderer. To mislead someone willingly is a very grave and immoral action. Deception is a really dark misdeed. Should we ever hope to bring light to our own minds we must be aware of vipers waiting to turn us down a wrong path. Telling lies and truths have very dire consequences.


Life can be summed up into two existences, and that is light and dark. Truths and lies are directly connected into light and darkness. I urge you, do whatever it takes to tell the truth. If your family and friends really love you they will  you for all your worth, in paradise and hell. Love is connected to the truth. Telling someone the truth is like showing someone love. The ultimate reality, nirvana, comes to someone who lives in the light and tells the truth.
