Fate and Destiny

Fate and Destiny

Today we are going to discuss what can be quite an intriguing subject, fate and destiny. Many believe in either fate or destiny, and even more both. Before we go any further, let's discuss the meaning of fate and destiny. Fate is defined as a predetermined course often personified as a negative course or end. "The titanic could not escape it's fate." Destiny, however, is symbolized as a virtuous or positive ultimate outcome. "The allies destiny in world war II was one of great triumph."

It's a safe assumption to believe both fate and destiny coexist. I heard once this quote "Words lead to actions, actions lead to fate, and fate leads to destiny." My belief is one of philosophical nature. I believe fate exists, as I believe visions of the future exist. If we are all predestined, and equal in life, how can there be destiny? However, perhaps I should question this very belief I have had for years. My life isn't one of epic proportions, however, I believe I do execute more good karma than I do bad karma. By this statement, am I held to destiny? Or am I merely just one following his own fate? I'll leave that up for you to decide.

Fate waits for no one. I, and all of you, fall prey to fate. Another quote, "Fate  leads him who follows it, and drags he who resists." We can try our hardest to escape reality, however we do not have control of our environment and other lifeforms. Karma may influence beings, yet it cannot control. Life can fly by you in an instant if you do not take proper care to make the best of it. We make such importance in pleasure, but often tend to neglect livelihood. We must meditate and control our own mind if we can ever hope to become enlightened. Those who are noble will not fall privy to fate, and will instead follow their destiny, lead by the stars to some supreme intervention. We are exactly we truly are on the surface: fragile. The human condition may pass away, but your future self cannot be taken away. Destiny plays a beautiful hymn to those who can hear it.

If we are bound to fate, how can we ever hope to have a life of our own choosing? I suppose we can only cope, and tread down the path, in hope that we can live an ultimately altruistic existence. Lives can be changed, but it takes all lives to make the stage for the play we call life to progress. We are all a part of a bigger picture. I am not a great prophet, and I am hardly yet a teacher. However, I am a scholar, and also a lover of humanity. The one who has the most humanity I love more than anything. Is there anything greater than love and compassion? Perhaps, it all depending on the person's fate. Our fate shapes who we are.


None of us know if fate or destiny really exists, not even I. We have, however, gone over a few good quotes on the natter and analyzed our own thoughts on said matter. If I am to hold a great destiny in the shaping of a more peaceful world, then so be it. At this point I do not know anything except the understanding of the human condition. Live a good life, and believe you will come back again, for I'm sure if fate and destiny are truly a part of this universe, then we will follow it forever.
