Expressing Ourselves Freely

Expressing yourself Freely

It's very important to be able to express yourself freely in these times, as we are often asked to conform in modern society and free expression is almost frowned upon. Everywhere we look we are surrounded by people who talk, think, and speak all the same. Let's face it, if we are unable to express ourselves our mind will suffer.

So how do we express ourselves without ridicule? The only time we truly are unbiased to express our inner thoughts and feelings is within our inner being. Some would say this is bottling your emotions up. My thoughts are that you may never have a chance to freely express yourself unless you are around those who truly love you. Additionally, such creative outlets such as art and even writing are a great way to express yourself creatively. There is much we can do to help express ourselves in a constructive way.

I suppose much can be said for keeping a journal. Recording our thoughts and feelings can help in this broken world that condemns us for being "different."  We can often feel unnoticed in this life, amongst other things. A wasted mind is truly the worst crime. On the same note, a mind that cannot openly express themselves perhaps is a much greater crime. Journaling gives us that outlet that may be easily achieved for the solitary mind. Likewise, creative writing is an even better way to express ourselves.

The Forgotten Youth: An Age of no Free Expression

Some people may realize that as a younger person it is even harder to express themselves. The standards and stigmata of schools and their peers place immense pressure on the young soul. I cannot tell you how hard it is for each future generation to express themselves. In a day where we sacrifice the young so readily in the west its nearly impossible to believe anyone cares for them. I usually don't condemn if I can but I have no remorse for those who would hurt the innocent. Compassion is in my nature, as is mercy, but some things we must draw the line. Listening to music is one of their few outlets. Many consider reading an escape for both the young and old. Are younger generation is smarter than you think and here in the west they will be paying for our retirements. Treat the youth gently, and don't you dare ever condemn them. The typical reaction for the older generation towards the youth is to blame them for all of our problems. Perhaps it's the lazy and insignificant older people that are our problem. It takes little for an older person to point there finger and judge. I will be old one day, and I refuse to live like the older generation. Collecting retirement and waiting to die sounds like the worst generation if you ask me. Let's not pretend that old people are not nasty: they'll curse you, beat their bible, and spit out hated speech from both their two faces. If it weren't for the lack of compassion and sympathy from he older "gimme" generation America might be better off. (For my readers in the east, do not believe we have it better in the west. I write all day to express myself because I am stuck between two worlds: one that loves me and one that hates me.

We live in a world where we cannot truly freely express ourselves. We are bound to some pretty harsh realities in this brutal world, but creative hobbies and journaling, along with having people to talk to who we love and trust can help with our free expression. Be strong, my brothers and sisters, for this broken world hates our unique souls.
